AI Twin

Instantly create your own AI Twin for video content.

Always be
camera ready

Generate videos instantly

No filming required. Create new videos with your AI Twin in a tap.

Always look your best

Record once, and use anywhere, anytime — no hair and make-up needed.

Post more videos, faster

Grow your channels, community, and brand.

How to create your
AI Twin instantly

Record yourself

Film yourself reading a one-minute script.

Generate your AI Twin

Watch as your AI Twin is created.

Create videos in a tap

Paste in a script for your AI Twin. Share your finished video.

Create your own AI Twin

Get Started
Get Started

Frequently asked questions


What is an AI Twin?

An AI Twin is a virtual version of yourself, that you can generate using Captions, and use to create talking videos. Your AI Twin will look and sound just like you, and you can save it to the Captions app to easily generate video content in a tap. Instantly create videos as yourself, looking your best, in 29 languages.

How do I create my own AI Twin?

To create your own AI Twin, open the Captions app and record a minute of video reading a pre-provided script. After just a few minutes, your AI Twin will be available and ready to use. You can generate or write a script and watch as your AI Twin speaks it back to you.

Can anyone use my AI Twin?

No. Your AI Twin is private and only available on your personal account.

Will AI Twin sound like me?

Yes! Your AI Twin will both look and sound like you. AI voice cloning is part of the generation process.

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