August 22, 2024
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Announcing our API suite

Generate, edit, and translate talking videos at scale.

Illustration of a code block with images of generated videos floating behind.

Today we’re releasing our most cutting-edge video generation and editing features as APIs.

Over the past few months, we’ve built and shipped a collection of cutting-edge features to generate and edit talking videos with AI, incorporating feedback from our community of 10M+ users. Today, we’re making these tools broadly accessible through our suite of APIs.

With these APIs, developers will be able to generate, edit, and translate talking videos at scale.

AI-generated Gaurav Misra, Captions’ CEO and Co-founder, demonstrates the AI Creator API — the easiest way to generate talking videos for social media.

Our AI Twin API allows you to create thousands of personalized videos with one take.

With the AI Edit API, you can watch as AI edits videos for you, adding custom B-roll, images, backgrounds, and more.

Localize ads, translate in-product walk-throughs, or make your help center videos easy to understand, all with our AI Translate API.

To read documentation and access our full suite of APIs, click here.

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August 22, 2024
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