October 3, 2024
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Introducing Social Studio

Let AI run your social media accounts. With just a link to your website, AI will plan your content calendar, generate videos featuring you or an AI Creator, and post across all of your social accounts.

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The first AI-powered social media manager

Social media is the new website for businesses. It’s not just a “nice to have” but a necessity in order to stay competitive, engage customers, and build a brand. With AI handling the heavy lifting, Social Studio allows every brand to have a polished, consistent social media presence without the need for a dedicated team.

Here’s how it works: 

Website Scan & Content Analysis: Captions starts by scanning a website to understand the business, products, and target audience. It pulls keywords, service offerings, and key selling points to generate a personalized content plan. For example, if you’re a dental office, it will identify your services like teeth whitening, cleanings, or cosmetic procedures and use this information to tailor content ideas.

Content Plan Generation: After the scan, Captions develops a full social media plan for whatever platform you choose to connect — whether this is TikTok, Instagram Reels, or LinkedIn. The content plan is automatically adjusted to your industry. For example, a law firm might get educational content about common legal issues, while an interior design agency may get content about design trends.

Script Writing: Once the content plan is generated, AI writes out video scripts for each idea, including hooks, calls-to-action, and captions. These scripts are designed to be engaging and optimized for platform-specific formats. You’ll have the option to edit the script or approve it as-is. For instance, a dental office might receive scripts like:

  • "3 Easy Ways to Uplevel Your Smile at Home"
  • "How Teeth Whitening Actually Works (Hint: It’s Science!)"
  • "5 Foods that Naturally Whiten Your Teeth”

Video Creation & AI Twins: Using the scripts, Captions generates videos from scratch. Users can either cast themselves in these videos to be the “face of the business” by using their AI Twin, which creates a digital version of an individual. Simply upload a few short videos, and the AI generates a personal avatar that can star in videos on behalf of the business. This is ideal for professionals who want to maintain a personal connection but don’t have time to shoot content constantly. For example, a law practice can have AI Twins of each Partner at the firm, each starring in different educational videos to give viewers a sense of variety and personal touch.

Alternatively, you can choose an AI Creator from the Captions library. These are AI avatars  designed for content creation that represent different demographics or styles, ideal for businesses that don’t want to create an AI Twin but still need a digital representative for their brand.

Automated Video Scheduling: Once videos are generated, Captions can automatically schedule posts. It analyzes engagement data to determine the best times to post based on audience behavior and platform trends. Set the system on “auto-pilot” so your social accounts stay active without manual intervention. 

TL;DR? Never worry about what to post again. Try Social Studio for yourself here.

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October 3, 2024
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