AI video
ad creator

Make compelling video ads instantly with Captions’ AI commercial generator.

Make compelling video ads instantly with Captions’ AI commercial generator.

Cursor hovering over the 'Generate AI Ad' button, with a video frame in the background showing a creator and a product.Cursor hovering over the 'Generate AI Ad' button, with a video frame in the background showing a creator and a product.

Create ads
your way

Create ads
your way

Instant results

Work faster, not harder, with quick, automatic ad generation to boost your sales.

Customized for you

Paste in your product link and watch as ads are instantly generated tailored to you.

Increased output

Enjoy greater output and test limitless ad concepts with customizable avatars.

Screenshot of Captions’ interface generating an ad.

How to create video ads
with AI

An AI influencer highlighted against a background of other influencer options.

Cast your talent

Choose an AI influencer for your ad.

A box featuring a hyperlink and a generate ads button.

Add your specs

Include a product link or script.

An “Export Successful” message with download and share buttons.

Share your ads

Watch your ads come to life and pick your favorites to post.

Generate video ads

Get Started
Get Started
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Frequently asked questions


What languages does Captions support for AI ad generation?

Captions’ AI Ad Generator has a wide range of language options, from English to Vietnamese. With so many choices, you can create ad scripts tailored to international markets and audiences.

Why should I create ads with AI?

Captions’ Ad Generator offers several unique benefits, including:

  • High-speed and efficient generation
  • Diverse ad options
  • Flexible ad length
  • Consistent brand message across platforms

Using AI to generate ads helps users and content creators quickly produce high-quality, engaging material. Creating more posts improves your marketing efforts and reaches a wider audience.

How long are Captions’ AI-generated ads?

Captions generates ads that vary in length from 15 to 60 seconds, letting you create short-form content for different platforms and audiences.

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